27 Février 2018

by Jessy Gafsou (Student from #Batch 2 @ DI)

First Game :  Build your own Star War game !

Second coding game :

Let’s make a wish card for pessah !

Since you are surfing on the web, you have seen hundreds of thousands of website. But, do you know how to create one ?

It’s exactly what we are going to do in the next 5 steps

Soon, it’s pessah, and you would like to wish an happy passover in a funny way to all your friends.

By creating this website, we are going to learn how to write an html code, insert images and add videos

If you know how to deal with all of theses, you will be able to create any website you want.

Let’s start to code an html page then

Because it’s the first time we are doing  this, we will start from an example, very simple.

We are going to download the best tools. We are going to download a software called

Sublime text or Bracket

Action : GO ON www.sublimetext.com  AND PRESS ON DOWNLOAD

Why do we use this code ?

We are going to use this software to colour our code to make it more…understandable

If you can’t download anything on your computer, it’s fine, you can open textedit on mac or windows

Now that the software is downloaded correctly, you will arrive to a blank page

It’s normal, we have not write any code yet !

The first thing you want to do if you want to code in HTML is to tell to the computer you are going to use this language

We are going to write <!DOCTYPE html> and then we will write our first HTML tag

It will start by <html> and finish by </html>

A tag will define a zone where we will add some content

In this tag we will add all the HTML code

In this tag, we will add 2 others tag

The first one will be head

Open by <head> and closed by </head>.

All this content will be read by the browser but not actually shown to our page

The second one will be <body>

Open by <body> and closed by </body>

In this tag, we will put everything who will be shown on the page

Action : Type this following text on the computer

<!DOCTYPE html>







We are going to add some code in the tag <head>

The first line is only here to make sure that the text is shown correctly

Type on the screen this :

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >





The second line will give a title to our html page

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>





Then, I will highly recommend you to save your document.

Go to save as and name is index.html on your desktop.

You want to know more ?

Let’s go on Step 2

Step 2

In our previous step, we prepared our document to code our very first website to wish an happy passover to our friends and family

The first thing is to start to code seriously.

Let’s go back to the file we created on our previous step.

If you are opening sublimetext you should see your last file used
If it’s not the case, open sublime text and open the file you save called ‘index’

Now, to start, i am going to write a tag title in the body section

As a reminder, it is inside a tag <body> that i will add all the content of my web page

To do so, i will add a tag title <h1>

h1 means that it is the most important title, h2 will be less important and h3 will be even less important

Now that my tag title are set, i will start writing my title in the tag h1
Show in screen :

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>



<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>



Now I am going to continue my text and open a tag paragraph <p>

Show in screen :

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>



<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

This tag will be able to start our text zone





Then here i will write the Braha i want to send to my friends for Pessah

“Wishing you joy and many blessings

at Passover and throughout the year!

May God bless you this Passover season

and all through the year…”

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness…

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!

Wishing you a Happy Passover!”

Now let’s see what we have coded already

To do so. Press on save (file → save)

Then I reduce the window ‘sublim text”

I go to look for my html file in the folder of my computer

And i open it with my browser

Show this on screen :

You can find a white page with the title we have wrote in the tag <h1>

I would like to change few things before right now it is not the most beautiful page we can have. Let’s change few lines, maybe have some spaces and colones.

To create a new paragraph, it’s really simple, you can add a new paragraph by adding a new <p> tag. Don’t forget to close the previous one 🙂

To let some spaces between lines, you can use the very useful tag <br>

You can put it here

Show in screen :

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>



<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

This tag will be able to start our text zone

Wishing you joy and many blessings

at Passover and throughout the year! <br>

May God bless you this Passover season

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness…

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!<br>

Wishing you a Happy Passover!<br>






You want to see that in real time ? Don’t forget to save; refresh your browser and it’s done !

We have a lot of text on this page , let see how to add some images here

Step 3

Add images

We have now our html that looks like this :

It has actually no swag and style !

Let’s add some images

To add an image, you need to use a tag <img/>

You will need to add few spaces after the image

It is inside this tag that we will be able to add our image

But before doing so, we will need to know every format of images we have on the web

The most used one are JPEG PNG & GIF

GIF images are the funny image / video you are getting endlessly  on your whatsapp group ?

I am gonna add a gif to my page. To get the url of the gif, i will go on giphy.com

I will then copy the link

Link is https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif

Don’t forget to add the “ at the end of the url

<!DOCTYPE html>






<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

  <img src=”https://media.giphy.com/media/11sBLVxNs7v6WA/giphy.gif”/>

<p>Wishing you joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year! May God bless you this Passover season <br>

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness… <br>

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!

Wishing you a Happy Passover!”




Nice to ? It’s adding some color to my code

I am gonna give a reminder about the aliment we should add to our seder, that way they wont forget anything 🙂

Now we are adding th h2 tag

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>



<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

This tag will be able to start our text zone

<img src = “https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif ”>


Wishing you joy and many blessings

at Passover and throughout the year! <br>

May God bless you this Passover season

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness…

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!<br>

Wishing you a Happy Passover!<br>


<h2>  not to forget when we do a seder </h2>



Now we are going to make a list. To make a list using the language HTML, we can use the tag <ul>

I will add it to my code and to open every point of my list, i will need to add the tag <li>

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >

<title> happy passover </title>



<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

This tag will be able to start our text zone

<img src = “https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif ”>


Wishing you joy and many blessings

at Passover and throughout the year! <br>

May God bless you this Passover season

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness…

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!<br>

Wishing you a Happy Passover!<br>


<h2>  not to forget when we do a seder </h2>


<li> </li>




Inside this tag, we will be able to add some code. Try to add an image to the list !

<!DOCTYPE html>






<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

<p>Wishing you joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year! May God bless you this Passover season <br>

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness… <br>

   <img src=”https://media.giphy.com/media/11sBLVxNs7v6WA/giphy.gif”/><br>

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!

Wishing you a Happy Passover!”


<h2>  not to forget when we do a seder </h2>

<ul> Fundamental to the Seder table is the Seder plate, which has on it the following items:

   <li> Zeroah, a lamb’s shankbone symbolizing the ancient Passover sacrifice</li>

   <li> Beitzah, a roasted egg symbolizing the temple sacrifice and the continuing cycle of life</li>

   <li> Haroset, a paste of fruit and nuts symbolizing the mortar used to build the pyramid of the pharaohs</li>

   <li> Mar’or, a bitter herb (like horseradish) to represent the bitterness of slavery</li>

   <li> Karpas, a green vegetable (usually parsley) representing spring</li>

   <li> A bowl of salt water to dip the karpas symbolizing the slaves’ tears</li>


<img src =”https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif”>



Now you can save the document and see how it looks in your browser

Every point of the list are the same

We are going to check this issue

The image is on the same line that the text, let’s change that

To do so, let’s use the principle we have learned at the beginning of the video. Let’s add some <br>

<!DOCTYPE html>






<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

<p>Wishing you joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year! May God bless you this Passover season <br>

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness… <br>

   <img src=”https://media.giphy.com/media/11sBLVxNs7v6WA/giphy.gif”/><br>

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!

Wishing you a Happy Passover!”


<h2>  not to forget when we do a seder </h2>

<ul> Fundamental to the Seder table is the Seder plate, which has on it the following items:

   <li> Zeroah, a lamb’s shankbone symbolizing the ancient Passover sacrifice</li>

   <li> Beitzah, a roasted egg symbolizing the temple sacrifice and the continuing cycle of life</li>

   <li> Haroset, a paste of fruit and nuts symbolizing the mortar used to build the pyramid of the pharaohs</li>

   <li> Mar’or, a bitter herb (like horseradish) to represent the bitterness of slavery</li>

   <li> Karpas, a green vegetable (usually parsley) representing spring</li>

   <li> A bowl of salt water to dip the karpas symbolizing the slaves’ tears</li>


<img src =”https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif”>


I created this webpage thanks to <a href=”https://developers.institute”>Developers.Institute</a>




But we have an issue here, even if we added some content, our page is really white and our title are ugly

Let’s give some style to title. See you on the next video for that

Step 4

We started to have a lot of HTML in our code, however we want our page to look like something cuter :

(show picture of a nice website)

We are going to create a new document in Sublim text by clicking twice on this bar (show tab)

We are now seeing a new and empty tab. The first thing we are going to do is to save as

Note : it is really important to save this new document in the same  folder than the HTML document

Then it is really important to have name our document style.css

Then click on save
Now we are going to start coding in CSS. It’s similar to coding in html but it is different
They are working… together.

The first thing we are going to do, is to modify the colour of the title of our page

To do so, we are going to write this :





Now we have done this, we are going to save the document , we are going  back our browers and we are checking if the title actually changed.

We should have seen a change right, but

Surprised !! nothing changed,

Do you know why ?

There is a line of code in the tag “help” that will actually link “ the html file and the css file

This line :

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css” />

Copy paste it in your HTML folder

Don’t forget to save all your document

File → save all

Now magic, our title is red !

With the css folder, we can change everything : let’s change the background

Let’s put a blue colour

We are going back to our file css to add “body”

Body will actually gather all the information that will be shown on our page

Then we will add background color







Background-color :grey;


Don’t forget to save !

But let’s be honest, it’s not the cutest

We are going to create a block of content to make sure that the background is blue when there is no text and why when there is texte

To do so, we will go back to our hml code and we will add a tag div

The function of div is to create block of contents

We can open a tag <div> just after the body tag

We are going to name our tag div. To do so

In html :


<div id =“card”>

In css we should have that :

We called it card because we want this to look like a white card under the black text

Now i ma going back to my css and i use the tag “div” to modify everything in it

To do so, we are going to add this code to the CSS:


Width: 800px;

Margin:0 auto

Background-color: white

Text-align: center;

Align-content: center;


The first line says that the width of the block is 800 pix

The second line will tell us that the card, the white zone should be in the middle of the page

The last lines are here to make sure that the text and content are aligned 🙂

Step 5

We don’t really like the bullet point

We will add in CSS

Ul  li


List-style-type: none;


Then save

We are now going to create links

Create a 3rd page : Tuto2.html

Then we are going back to our tuto1 and we are copy pasting all the tag head

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset = “utf-8” >





The second line will give a title to our html page

<!DOCTYPE html>




    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css” />



   <div class=”card”>

<h1> happy passover my friends  </h1>

<p>Wishing you joy and many blessings at Passover and throughout the year! May God bless you this Passover season <br>

and all through the year…”<br>

“May your Pesach overflow with happiness… <br>

   <img src=”https://media.giphy.com/media/11sBLVxNs7v6WA/giphy.gif”/><br>

May you always be blessed with peace,

prosperity and togetherness!

Wishing you a Happy Passover!”


<h2>  not to forget when we do a seder </h2>

<ul> Fundamental to the Seder table is the Seder plate, which has on it the following items:

   <li> Zeroah, a lamb’s shankbone symbolizing the ancient Passover sacrifice</li>

   <li> Beitzah, a roasted egg symbolizing the temple sacrifice and the continuing cycle of life</li>

   <li> Haroset, a paste of fruit and nuts symbolizing the mortar used to build the pyramid of the pharaohs</li>

   <li> Mar’or, a bitter herb (like horseradish) to represent the bitterness of slavery</li>

   <li> Karpas, a green vegetable (usually parsley) representing spring</li>

   <li> A bowl of salt water to dip the karpas symbolizing the slaves’ tears</li>


<img src=”https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGclOqFtujBLIjkI/giphy.gif“>


I created this webpage thanks to <a href=”https://developers.institute”>Developers.Institute</a>











Background-color :grey;


.card {

Width: 800px;


Background-color: white;

Text-align: center;

Align-content: center;


ul li {

List-style-type: none;



step 1

go to the website http://upload.developers.institute

step 2

Write your last name followed by the first letter of your first name (all in lowercase and without space)

For me, it will be dreyfussm

step 3

Import the folder you have created

step 4

choose your index.html file

step 5

click on “Send”

step 6

choose your style.css file

step 7

click on “Send”

step 8

go to the link card.developers.institute/dreyfussm



Go on this : http://card.developers.institute/


By assembling JavaScript instructions, we can make a Website behave like a program: it will run our instructions and, as a developer, we know in advance the exact outcome of the program… (unless there are bugs! But that’s another story…)


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